Let’s be honest. We all know moving can suck. With the help of trusted local moving companies, you can make …

So, you’ve begun preparing for a move. That’s awesome! A new apartment, or even an entirely new town – that may be just the change you need! But let’s get one thing out of the way – residential moving is not easy at all. Really, saying that it’s a chore is a bit of an understatement. And the sooner you realize that the sooner you’ll be able to begin preparing properly! You’ll need a realistic and useful plan – and no moving plan is complete without a thorough moving checklist. And that’s precisely what Move On – Nashville Movers is going to help you with today – so scroll down and learn about all the tips we’ve prepared!
Moving checklist basics
Now that you’ve really started to work on your relocation, we can begin talking about the details! For starters, we should talk about the structure of your moving checklist. Seeing as every home and household is different, we can’t really give you a generic checklist that will be useful to everyone. However, we can separate all of your smaller chores and reminders into some general categories that everyone can relate to. Once you’ve got those in place, you can fill them up with all of the smaller tasks you’ll be completing. Trust us – pretty soon, you’ll realize why a checklist is basically moving made easy. So now that we’ve got an understanding of that, the question is – where to start?
Begin with an inventory of your household
Okay, let’s talk about the most basic thing you’ll need to do once you start your relocation – an inventory. And we know what you’re thinking – why is this so important? Well, whatever you’re doing in life, it’s really crucial to have all the information first – and moving is really no different! That’s why you want to know specifically what kind of stuff you have in your home, and how much of everything. Really, trust us on this – it will determine a lot of your decisions and plans going forward. So it’s the first essential part of your moving checklist.
Also, completing an inventory will not just give you all the details on the things you’re moving. On the other hand, you’ll also realize that you have a lot of stuff that you haven’t used in ages, and essentially don’t need at all. Yeah, moving is great for realizing that you’ve been cluttering up your home for ages – and we all do it, really. So, once you’re done with your inventory, you can start getting rid of the unneeded stuff. For example, you could donate everything you don’t need, or you can sell some of the more expensive items. Once you’ve gotten rid of all the extra items, you’ll have a great perspective on the volume of your things. And that will come in handy soon, once you start looking for moving assistance.
Having a realistic budget is essential
While we’re talking about buying and selling – it’s high time to talk about money. In many ways, people who have never moved tend to underestimate the process. And one of those ways is people thinking that it won’t be expensive. It’s not immediately obvious, of course – but the cost of moving is really a sum of many tiny expenses. But in the end, those expenses can add up to a considerable sum of money. And that’s why you want to plan for moving without breaking the bank. There’s really no need to burn through your entire savings – you just need to plan in advance. That’s why you want a moving budget as an essential part of your moving checklist.
Really, this is one of the things where your moving checklist will come in handy the most. Why? Simply put – keeping up with all those expenses won’t be easy. And that’s where a good checklist will be extremely useful! When you plan any moving-related purchase or chore, check how much it will cost first, and write that down. That way, by the time you’re done with planning your move, you’ll also know exactly how much everything will cost. And then you can proceed to cut down on costs if need be. Oh, and don’t forget to leave some leeway in your budget for unexpected costs – those are almost inevitable.
A good moving checklist will do wonders for packing
Yeah, we know – doing everything methodically and properly is a major chore. But nevertheless – by the time you’ve finished moving, you’ll see just how helpful your moving checklist was. And if you’ve followed our advice up until now, congrats! Because once you get to packing, you’ll really start reaping the rewards of your previous efforts. With the help of your moving checklist, you’ll finish in a matter of hours what others would be doing for days. If you’ve completed your inventory on time, you’ve known what kind of moving boxes and other materials to get. Now all that remains is actually pack everything up. And don’t worry – we’ve got a few packing tips by the pros for your checklist :
- Keep track of your valuables – We trust you’ll find a great moving company to help you move. Regardless of that, however, you’ll want to keep your most valuable items with you. Remember – it’s best to transport any important documents or jewelry on your own.
- Check what things you can move – It’s important to know that there are certain kinds of items that movers won’t handle. These are mostly obvious – dangerous materials like fuel, pesticides, poisonous liquids and such. So if any of these come up while you’re doing your inventory – you’ll want to throw them out or make alternative arrangements to transport them.
- Label your moving boxes – Once you finish packing a box, you’ll want to label it. That’s very useful because it will save you a ton of time when you start unpacking. But also, movers who handle your items will know which boxes contain fragile stuff.