April 27, 2019

How to make moving with kids easy?

man and a child on a railroad at sunset

We can already picture it. The day of the trip is fast approaching and preparations for the move are getting hectic. Not only do you have to take care of the packing for complicated things such as furniture, organize your schedule and research as much as possible, but you are also exposed to additional stress: moving with kids.
We get it. It is hard to approach the issue of a move with them, especially if this is a first-time they are experiencing a change of home. This is why we are here to tell you some hard-learned pieces of advice on how to approach moving with kids in such a way as to make it rather easy.

Give them confidence

When you told your children that you are, as a family, moving a long way from home, they really didn’t have much choice in the matter. They (most of the time) can’t really comprehend why you need long distance movers Nashville TN to take you away from perfectly functional home they already have. That is ok. They will probably not understand.
moving with kids - children's hands
However, what is important is for them not to feel alone or “left to the currents”. You should be decisive and involved. They will appreciate you talking to them and will also pick up on your confidence. You are doing what is best for a family, and children can pick up on that.


Age of the child is important if we are to talk about their reaction to moving.

  • Children generally are unwilling to move.
  • Preteens, however, concede home wherever their close people are, and here for more suitable for an easier move with kids
  • Teens are much more firmly connected to your neighborhood and his friends. Getting them to be happy about the move might be a harder task as they are well entrenched into their social circle of peers. Keep this in minds especially if you are moving to a rural area from an urban or suburban one. (or vice-versa)

Get them involved in the process

They don’t understand the motivation, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be involved in all that goes into the moving. Let them research school they will be heading to. See interesting places you can visit, such as zoos and events such as carnivals. Consider asking your Nashville Movers if they have any recommendations! If they are younger, teach them local stories or interesting animals from the place you are about to move to and encourage them to be inquisitive about the whole process.
kid drawing
The more they ask questions and get a satisfying answer, the less likely are they to be in any kind of doubt or discomfort. Moving to Nashville? Encourage them to go to the local site and find more information! (or do it with them – depending on age). You are in this together, and a truly best way to make moving with kids easy is for kids themselves to help you out!

Staying in touch after moving with kids

Having a quality social life with peers is really important to the healthy psychological development of children. Saying goodbye to life-long friends and circle of close people they had, including extended family, can be highly disturbing to a child. For a lack of a better word, there is no much difference in child’s eyes between those to whom it say goodbye because they are going far away from that person, and to those who it says goodbye as if they shall never be seen again.
yellow school bus
So what to do? Stay in touch with the parents of their best friends so you can facilitate regular communication between your child and his friends from the back where you used to live.
Furthermore, it may motivate your child to take pride in his new home as it tells it to his friends. This would mean the child has recognized that the move is progress – a turn for the better.

New friends

If you are Moving to Tennessee, for example, means you should probably look into Tennesse schools. This stands to reason. However, you should also look into who your kid, especially if very young, could hang out with. Moving with kids means a great deal of preparation for your child for the potential shook. If the kid is willing, you can try to write to schools and get somebody (ideally a student his age) to be his “contact”. Establishing a connection before arriving has obvious benefits and might just prevent the feeling of loneliness from occurring in the period before he finds a new social circle.
moving with kids - children in the field with camera
With this, he or she would already have one foot in. At the first day of the new school, there would be somebody known waiting for your child to show him around.

Rooms – just like home

Get him or her to pick and choose what toys they want to bring (if possible). Also, when giving out rooms, make sure it is the closest to what they already enjoyed and will feel more ate is in a new home.


Still, with all we said and pointed out, kids are unpredictable, and every one of them is different. There may be some bumps on the road that no one could have known about in advance. We cannot stress enough how useless is to stress around such things, however. Moving with kids means going on an adventure with them. While for you it might be just another move, for them it is a fundamental change in their life. Recognize this, and all other problems can be dealt with.
We wish you good luck and a good move, both for you and your family.


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